Exiftool documentation
Exiftool documentation

exiftool documentation

  • func NoPrintConversion() func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func ExtractEmbedded() func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func ExtractAllBinaryMetadata() func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func DateFormant(format string) func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func CoordFormant(format string) func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func ClearFieldsBeforeWriting() func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func Charset(charset string) func(*Exiftool) error.
  • func Buffer(buf byte, max int) func(*Exiftool) error.
  • exiftool documentation

    func BackupOriginal() func(*Exiftool) error.New option to output format for GPS coordinates ( CoordFormat) (thanks to Andy Gorman).New option to specify a date format ( DateFormat) (thanks to Andy Gorman).Add a new sentinel error ( ErrBufferTooSmall) that is returned when go-exiftool's buffer isn't big enough for a specifi file (countermeasure: initialize go-exiftool with the Buffer option).Folder metadata extraction will now return a new sentinel error (ErrNotFile). Fix a bug that was blocking go-exiftool when a folder was provided.

    exiftool documentation

  • Add metadata writing capabilities (thanks to Dale Hui).
  • Several improvements (thanks to Dale Hui).
  • "SetExiftoolBinaryPath" functional option : specify where to find exiftool binary (default : $path).
  • "ExtractAllBinaryMetadata" functional option.
  • "NoPrintConversion" functional option (thanks to Kjeldgaard).
  • Add functionnal option to set ExifTool's -charset parameter (thank to v1.3.1.
  • add stdout and stderr buffer configuration capabilities (thank to v1.3.0.
  • add Mac & Windows support (thanks to increase errors readability (thanks to v1.2.0.
  • add typed getters for filemetadata fields.
  • See example function ExampleExiftool_Write in exiftool_sample_test.go Changelog Usage Metadata extraction et, err := exiftool.NewExiftool()įmt.Printf("Error when intializing: %v\n", err)įileInfos := et.ExtractMetadata("testdata/20190404_131804.jpg")įmt.Printf("Error concerning %v: %v\n", fileInfo.File, fileInfo.Err)
  • On Debian : sudo apt-get install exiftoolīy default, go-exiftool binary will look for exiftool binary in $PATH, but another location can be specified (see SetExiftoolBinaryPath functional option).
  • Go-exiftool needs ExifTool to be installed. Go-exiftool uses ExifTool's stay_open feature to optimize performance. ) from a lots of differents file types (Office documents, pictures, movies, PDF.

    exiftool documentation

    Go-exiftool is a golang library that wraps ExifTool.ĮxifTool's purpose is to extract and update as much metadata as possible (EXIF, IPTC, XMP, GPS.

    Exiftool documentation